EN: We, Yoga Vidya Rotterdam represent a pragmatic, non-dogmatic and spiritual yoga. During the training you will work with diverse techniques and thereby discover what is best for you. You retain the freedom to integrate elements of other yoga or exercise systems into your practice. Afterall, yoga helps you to experience life in its fullness and completeness.
NL: Wij, van Yoga Vidya Rotterdam, vertegenwoordigen een pragmatische, niet-dogmatische en spirituele yoga. Je zult tijdens de opleiding met uiteenlopende technieken in aanraking komen en zodoende ontdekken wat voor jou het beste werkt. Je behoudt de vrijheid om ook elementen uit andere yoga– of oefensystemen te integreren. Yoga helpt je om het leven in zijn volledigheid en volheid te ervaren.
→ Alle Orte und Termine der 2-Jahres Yogalehrer/in Ausbildung
Yoga develops the whole personality. You will notice this in increasing health and vitality, and success and fulfillment in professional and family relationships. With regular practice the connection between you and your environment will grow. You will discover your hidden talents and can gradually begin expanding them. Yoga leads to awareness, higher levels of conciousness and develops your connection with your true Self.
We use century old & effective techniques from the holistic yoga, based on the teachings of Swami Sivananda. Supplemented with scientific knowledge from physics, medicine and psychology, the system of classical yoga is relevant for the 21st century.