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Dein YogaEN: We, Yoga Vidya Rot­ter­dam rep­re­sent a prag­matic, non-dogmatic and spir­i­tual yoga. Dur­ing the train­ing you will work with diverse tech­niques and thereby dis­cover what is best for you. You retain the free­dom to inte­grate ele­ments of other yoga or exer­cise sys­tems into your prac­tice. After­all, yoga helps you to expe­ri­ence life in its full­ness and completeness.

NL: Wij, van Yoga Vidya Rot­ter­dam, verte­gen­wo­ordi­gen een prag­ma­tis­che, niet-dogmatische en spir­ituele yoga. Je zult tij­dens de oplei­d­ing met uiteen­lopende tech­nieken in aan­rak­ing komen en zodoende ont­dekken wat voor jou het beste werkt. Je behoudt de vri­jheid om ook ele­menten uit andere yoga– of oefen­sys­te­men te inte­gr­eren. Yoga helpt je om het leven in zijn volledigheid en vol­heid te ervaren.

→ Alle Orte und Termine der 2-Jahres Yogalehrer/in Ausbildung

Yoga Maya – Yoga Vidya Rotterdam
Vijverhofstraat 47
3032 SB Rotterdam

Tel.: 0 031 625 – 10 04 20


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Yoga devel­ops the whole per­son­al­ity. You will notice this in increas­ing health and vital­ity, and suc­cess and ful­fill­ment in pro­fes­sional and fam­ily rela­tion­ships. With reg­u­lar prac­tice the con­nec­tion between you and your envi­ron­ment will grow. You will dis­cover your hid­den tal­ents and can grad­u­ally begin expand­ing them. Yoga leads to aware­ness, higher lev­els of con­cious­ness and devel­ops your con­nec­tion with your true Self.

We use cen­tury old & effec­tive tech­niques from the holis­tic yoga, based on the teach­ings of Swami Sivananda. Sup­ple­mented with sci­en­tific knowl­edge from physics, med­i­cine and psy­chol­ogy, the sys­tem of clas­si­cal yoga is rel­e­vant for the 21st century.